Spotlight On CCG Members :- Miss Sabba Shah

Spotlight On CCG Members :- Miss Sabba Shah

Sep, 6 2018

~~Balancing academic studies with recreational pursuits is essential in maintaining a work life stability. Miss Sabba Shah has successfully achieved this  as we’ll learn more in this month’s ‘Spotlight on CCG Members’.

Sabba is currently studying law at UCLAN. She also has an interest in advocacy. This support for local activities has seen her been both the Chair of the UCLan Bar Society 2017-18 and a UCLan Student Ambassador.

But it’s not all work and no play for Sabba. During her relaxation time she takes part in Shotokan Karate, a disciplined sport that focuses the mind and body. This enables her to switch for a brief period from her law studies and absorb herself in physical activity.

Sabba is also keen to advance her learning and increase her potential as a student. She does this by actively engaging in academic skills competitions to strengthen her chances of a good degree at the closure of her course.

As a CCG member she has been actively involved at a number of events including the most recent Health Melas. She also supports Propeller activities within UCLAN.

We wish her the very best with her law studies and hope she continues to support the CCG in a variety of ways. Welcome.

^Alex Ashworth.