Is it too soon for schools?
May, 28 2020
We all want what’s best for our children so with the governments neglectful decision to phase reopening of schools from reception Year 1 and 6 from this coming Monday 1st June you can imagine the news has been met with both fury and fear for parents in the Lancashire region.
Schools closed for all pupils back in March except for vulnerable pupils and the children of key workers yet those in authority recognize the impact this has had on children in particular the interaction with their peers.
A spokesman for The Department for Education expressed these words of concern,
"We want children back in schools as soon as possible because being with their teachers and friends is so important for their education and their wellbeing. We recognise that some schools may not be able to open to more pupils immediately."
Despite this, Dr Karunathini, director of public health in Lancashire, warns of the premature return to educational school environments,
"The test and trace programme is not at a state of readiness to respond to Covid-19 community setting outbreaks in a timely manner, which poses a risk to school environments.
Returning to a sense of normality may alleviate some anxiety from parents but having close contact with other children may risk a second peak of infections locally.
Dr Karunathini continued: "We have carefully assessed the five tests the government has set for the easing of the lockdown measures and, at this stage, we cannot say with confidence that all of them are being met in Lancashire. Therefore we are advising schools they should not reopen to more pupils from 1 June."
Lancashire County Council said the decision on whether to open schools lay with the head teacher, in consultation with governors, "but we are actively encouraging schools to follow our advice".
Only last week a total of more than 35 councils in the UK warned that not all of their primary schools would be ready to reopen on Monday.
Blackburn with Darwen Council has urged its schools to stay closed until at least 8 June.
Dr Karunathini said the advice would be "under constant review".
The director of public health in Lancashire has warned there could be a spike in Covid-19 cases if schools open more widely from next month.
^Alex Ashworth CCG UK Blogger