
What our members, partners, allied organisations and individuals we work with are saying

Congratulations on the extremely successful conference (co-organised by the CCG). The eclectic line up of speakers was first class both in presentation and the freshness of subject matter and relevance. They were informative and inspiring.  Malcolm Rea MBE UCLan Honorary Fellow and former Chief Nursing Officer (UK) CCGUK member

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

It was a pleasure to meet members of Creative Communities Group in Brussels and to hear about the excellent work that they are doing in building communities together with universities and the non-formal sector, while engaging hard-to-reach individuals. This had led to tremendous success stories in the UK and beyond, making what some would say "impossible" a reality. This achievement is fully in line with what the Lifelong Learning Platform is advocating for since its creation in 2005: cross-sector cooperation, lifelong learning and inclusiveness. I will definitely promote their work among our network, and I hope that we will collaborate on a number of community events in the future and share information and best practice.’    Pauline Boivin, Lifelong Leaning Platform (EU)

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

    Russell and Nigel are excellent ambassadors for the Creative Communities Group Strong and sustainable new (EU) partnerships demonstrating that there is hope for British change- makers in the field of community education beyond Brexit (have been created by the CCG).”  Julie Ward, Former Euro MP CCG member    

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

    We had the good fortune to have colleagues from the UK Creative Communities Group. I was very interested to engage with them, and to understand their work and vision.      Andrew Greenwood the Director and co-founder of the Dance and Creative Wellness Foundation EU CCG member

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

It was a pleasure to meet the Creative Community Groups members in Brussels. We shared our experiences and found many similarities and possible synergies with the work of Volunteering Matters in the UK and the work of Volonteurope network in Europe. It was fascinating to hear about the work they do to foster education and community building in the UK. I am sure that our meeting will lead to future collaborations and partnership to promote the value of volunteering that supports the building and strengthening communities.’  Laura de Bonfils Volonteurope & Volunteering Matters International Policy, Advocacy & Fundraising Manager EU

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

It was a pleasure to meet members of the UK Creative Communities Group in Brussels and to hear about the inspiring and very much needed work that they are doing in both education and the community. I am looking forward to our further cooperation on a number of community events and share information and best practice.’   Lucie Susova Education and Lifelong Learning coordinator, SOLIDAR Foundation EU

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

    The UCLan Creative Communities Group has been recognised by our EU partners for our contribution to lifelong learning and active citizenship with the EU SOLIDAR 2020 Silver Rose award. Mikael Leyi, SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation Secretary General, congratulated the Group. It was an honour to have the CCG not only as awardees in the ceremony, but also in our members forum where we could get to know the amazing people behind this collective and their work. SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation believe education does not only belong to the formal setting; it has a place as one of the cornerstones of a democratic society and as such it also belongs to non-formal and informal education too. CCG epitomises the importance that lifelong learning and popular education have to deepen democracy and facilitate citizenship in its truest form.

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group

        I was very proud to have been involved and will continue to support Preston Soup (organised and run by the CCG) in the future and I would encourage others to get involved in the next event – a fantastic opportunity to give something back and learn more about what’s happening in your community.”    Angela Hickey Former Business Connector from Business in the Community (UK) CCGUK Member

- Alex Ashworth
Creative Communities Group
