I am honoured to be a member of the Creative Communities Group and hope I can play an increasing role in supporting active citizenship, lifelong learning and regeneration throughout Lancashire and the UK though partnership, community engagement, building resilience and social justice.
- Alison Robinson
Chief Executive & Principal, Myerscough College. CCGUK member
I’m proud to be a member of this great organisation. The Creative Communities Group is a model of best practice for active citizenship and lifelong learning on a global level. They believe in the power of partnerships and how working together can transform communities. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary
- Stephen Lowe
BBC Radio Lancashire presenter CCGUK member
The CCG under the leadership of Russell Hogarth has brought the university closer to the community. I Have attended many events in the Preston area at which the CCG have been present and I have seen first-hand the positive impact the Creative Communities Group has had on the city Here’s to the next 10 years.
- John Gillmore
‘Gilly’ Presenter BBC adio Lancashire and Cumbria CCGUK Member
Stephen has been a long-time supporter of the Creative Communities Group and helped Russell Hogarth in the early days to get the CCG underway as co-founder. Since then, Russell has done all the hard work! Stephen has had a long career in social care having studied at UCLAN when it was a Polytechnic. His social work career in local government began in Lancashire County Council and ended in 2012 in Anglesey where he was Interim Corporate Director of Housing and Social Services. In 2010 he co-founded Salvere Social Enterprise CIC and later, Salvere Support Ltd helping people to live at home with complex needs and use direct payments. He’s also Chair of Trustees of LifeNoW, a local charity supporting young adults with life-limiting and end-of-life conditions.
- Stephen Sloss
Salvere Support Ltd Chair of Trustees of LifeNoW CCG member
Dear Russell, I am writing to you to ask you to pass on a personal message to the Creative Communities Group UK. In my role as Chief Social Worker, one of the very important things I am contributing towards, is improving the quality of qualifying social workers. Preparing the social workers of tomorrow to practice at the highest level is vitally important in ensuring they are working alongside people who use services and their carers to support them to achieve the lives they want for themselves. The contribution your community group makes in putting service user involvement at the heart of educating and training social workers is resulting in students making a step change in understanding and applying person centred and user led collaborative approaches to improving experiences of health and social care and improving outcomes.
- Lyn Romeo
Chief Social Worker for Adults Department of Health in London. CCG Member
Dear Russell, I would like to thank you and in particular Nigel Farnworth from the UCLan Creative Communities Group for chairing the World Social Work Day celebration conference on behalf of the Chief Social Worker for Adults Office, Department of Health in London. Nigel not only chaired the event he also delivered an excellent closing presentation titled, The Creative Communities Group “Towards a better Tomorrow” to the delegates. The conference was a tremendous success with positive feedback from the delegates who attended. Social Work is very privileged to benefit so positively from those with lived experience and carers and I would like to wish Nigel and the UCLan Creative Communities Group UK every success in the future and thank them for their continued support.
- Lyn Romeo
Chief Social Worker for Adults Department of Health in London. CCG Member
Creative Communities like this are vital to support our bourgeoning creative industries. Modern technology is increasingly allowing creative businesses to be based anywhere so having communities based around and supported by regional universities can help to provide mutual support and help to share knowledge and opportunities.
- Wayne Hemingway MBE
Hemingway Design & CCGUK member
CCG co-organised events both informs, supports, provided practical help and insight to all who attend. Good keynote speakers, many advice agencies and a free health check make up an exceptional event.” Congratulations on the 10th anniversary
- Councillor Trevor Hart
Former Mayor of Preston, Lancashire (UK) CCGUK member