MixrUPt Live Stream Workshop Jam -UCLAN - 6pm -7.30pm - 31/5/19

MixrUPt Live Stream Workshop Jam -UCLAN - 6pm -7.30pm - 31/5/19

May, 28 2019

~Do you remember the 1980’s? For some of us it was thirty years ago but for babies born in the 21st century it sounds prehistoric. To describe how you would listen to a track back then to a teenager now would create mass hysterics. But for those in our 30’s that’s what we did.

Fast forward three decades and we’re living in a digital age. More and more people are downloading music and streaming them off the internet than actually going in a record store and buying an album.

This being the case, those of us working in the music world will be  familiar with digital music platforms such as You Tube, Spotify and Soundcloud. They’ll be confident in locating information and transporting their music to an internet based provider.

The following people will be utilising these platforms to the best of their ability :-  electronic musicians, artists and producers.

A collective group which encourages you to  freestyle with your music would be fitting to help channel their skills. ‘MixrUPT Live Stream Workshop Jam’  caters for those people.

The next jam is this Friday 31st May at UCLAN’S Media Factory, Room 002, Preston Campus. It will take place between the hours of 6pm -7.30pm. The event is designed to transmit the exploration of jazz, anime and lo-Fi hip hop into the digital realm in real-time.

Interested ones should take note that the event is free to attend and no booking is required.

Get with the 21st century vibe with this cool contemporary workshop:-

  • MixrUPt Live Stream Workshop Jam
  • Friday  31 May, 18:00 – 19:30
  • University of Central Lancashire, Room 002, Media Factory, Preston Campus.

^Alex Ashworth.