Let's Talk - Digital Agency Guidance - Society 1 - Preston - 5-8pm - 1/11/18

Let's Talk - Digital Agency Guidance - Society 1 - Preston - 5-8pm - 1/11/18

Oct, 26 2018

~We all need advice and guidance from time to time. Children seek help from their parents. Teens may learn from their peer group. Adults generally receive tips on development in the workplace.

Associating freely with like-minded individuals for three hours on a subject which can help propel adults further in a specific subject in the workplace can be very beneficial.

Society1 in collaboration with Digital Lancashire & Creative Lancashire are hosting their second creative collaboration evening. Let’s Talk…. The up's, the down's and the best of running a successful digital agency will take place next Thursday 1st November from 5-8pm.

The format of the evening will be relaxed and informal, providing a space for emerging talent, established businesses and others to share ideas and inspirations. For each event there will be a different subject to inform the conversation and ideas sharing.

Guest speaker Sam Alcock Director & Founder of Custard Online Marketing,  will share his compelling story of setting up, creating and running an award winning agency.

Here is a brief overview about what makes Sam so unique :-

Sam Alcock is …..

  • A vastly experienced digital marketer with industry leading expertise in several sectors of online marketing
  • The managing director of North West based online marketing agency Custard
  • A serial entrepreneur who has set up multiple successful businesses.

And Has…

  •  A wealth of experience in online PR, database marketing, SEO, social strategy, branded content, e-commerce, lead generation and site development.

Custard started out in Preston. Over time it grew into a team of 25 and now has a head office in Manchester.

Following the talk and Q&A  the floor will be open for  others to share any relevant news and ideas. The venue will be held at Society 1, 9-10 Cross Street, Preston, PR1, 3LT. Lets Talk is FREE to attend but pre registration is essential via the Eventbrite Page

Lets Talk... is a regular post work gathering bringing together creative & digital businesses, freelancers and practitioners to discuss and debate the key issues faced by those working or operating in the sector.

In the digital workplace? Then you will definitely benefit  from this excellent presentation and discussion:-

  • Let’s Talk…. The up's, the down's and the best of running a successful digital agency
  • Society1 in collaboration with Digital Lancashire & Creative Lancashire
  • 5-8pm Thursday 1st November 2018

^Alex Ashworth.