Sounds Imagined - Hidden Gems Exhibition - UCLAN - 9am - 6pm - 2/10/18 - 5/10/18

Sounds Imagined - Hidden Gems Exhibition - UCLAN - 9am - 6pm - 2/10/18 - 5/10/18

Sep, 25 2018

~2014. Bonnie Tyler was riding high in the charts following a resurgence in her music thanks to the Eurovision Song Contest the previous year. This was also a year when an artist went on a six-month journey around England and Scotland in a converted ambulance with his then-fiancée, now-wife.

It was here where he observed the sounds that he heard such as wind and waves, blackbirds and skylarks, buskers on the street and Bonnie Tyler on the radio.

This audio experience was then noted down and collected and then interpreted into an art form which considered poetic,prosaic and picture-based postcards written four years later in 2018.Through these filters, delays and transformations, the sounds heard become sounds imagined.

‘Sounds Imagined’ is part of the Hidden Gems exhibition staged at UCLAN next Tuesday - Friday ( 2nd - 5th October) from 9am -6pm. Other works will also be on display.

Bonnie Tyler is still recording and performing her songs. She recently embarked on a 22-date tour of Germany and Austria to celebrate the 40th anniversary of "It's a Heartache". Proving the old girl’s still got it!

 See inspired works of audio art  including the iconic singer, Bonnie Tyler.

Hidden Gems
Sounds Imagined
October 2nd- 5th , 9am – 6pm
University of Central Lancashire, Victoria Building, PR1 Gallery, Adelphi Street, PR1 7HD

^Alex Ashworth.