Spotlight On CCG Members :- Sam Tyrer

Spotlight On CCG Members :- Sam Tyrer

Aug, 2 2018

~~Many people make the assumption that healthcare and nursing  is a woman’s profession. Yet in actual fact men can contribute just as effectively and just as professionally as their female counterpart. This month’s ‘Spotlight on CCG Members is Sam Tyrer. Sam has an acute awareness of people’s mental and physical needs as we shall now learn and discover.

Sam completed his course at UCLAN with a first class honours in Adult Nursing as well as a Doctoral student of Health. This gave him the confidence and skills to create an organisation simply called ‘Change Talks’.

Change Talks is a mental health based group that seeks to reduce the stigma, increase awareness and promote better coping strategies towards developing a healthier and happier mind.

The organisation is proving beneficial in discerning the needs of young people at crucial  times in their development. Based in the North West, they teach students of schools and college institutions by making them aware of early intervention and prevention of mental health issues.

Change Talks also runs events for community, utilising lived experience as it’s   main focus. Over a 7 month period the organisation has gone from strength to strength. Sam now talks all over the country about his own story and the work he is doing. 

Here are some articles below written about Change Talks.

Sam has experienced a period of time in the spotlight due to his work with Change Talks . He picked up young citizen of Lancashire award, been on both 2BR radio and Chorley Fm and was recently featured on Lancashire T.V.

 Let’s hope this media background has garnered him the skills needed to network and be a long standing member of the CCG. Welcome.

^Alex Ashworth.