Neville James - Artist Exhibition - UCLAN Victoria Building -9am - 6pm - 1/8/18 -31/8/18

Neville James - Artist Exhibition - UCLAN Victoria Building -9am - 6pm - 1/8/18 -31/8/18

Jul, 17 2018

~Every artist has their own method and technique in developing and constructing  their work. A wildlife film-maker may wait for several hours to capture some must see footage of the natural world. A dancer may practice their routine till they have it etched in their minds and are able to deliver a performance  on a theatrical evening. Artists who use paints to explore their potential have a finely tuned ability when it comes to the precise detail of their work.

On Wednesday August 1st from 9am -6pm is an exciting  exhibition being held at UCLAN’S Victoria Building. Artist Neville James is returning to the gallery with an exhibition which explores what is the right balance between artist's control and  free-reign of the paints.

Gold: Variations on a Theme will reveal how Neville uses pouring and dripping techniques so that the outcome of each work is result of the paints following their own destiny.

The exhibition is expected to run until Friday 31st August 2018. It is free to enter and young people who are considering a career in the arts may be inspired by Neville’s creative expressions.

Gold: Variations on a Theme
Wed, August 1-  Friday 31st August 9am – 6pm
University of Central Lancashire, PR1 Gallery, Victoria Building, Preston Campus, PR1 7HD.

^Alex Ashworth.