Preston Health Mela - UCLAN - 11am- 4pm - 14/4/18

Preston Health Mela - UCLAN - 11am- 4pm - 14/4/18

Mar, 27 2018

~If you’ve felt a little run down recently and feel your body needs a good M.O.T then look no further than the annual Preston Health Mela.

Each and every year it has a general theme and encourages members of the public to get  fit and live a healthy lifestyle. There is also practical involvement too such as the exercise bike which provides drink the more you cycle and relaxation in the form of reiki and reflexology. You will also find expert doctors on hand who can share their knowledge and wealth of experience to the interested public in order to stay well and live longer.

This year’s Mela, in association with The National Forum for Health and Well being,  takes place on Saturday 14th April at UCLAN’S Foster Building between the hours of 11am -4pm. This year’s theme is alcohol abuse and related ill health.

For the 2018 spring Mela there are two top medical professionals who will be the guests of honour. Dr Chris Moulton, vice president of the Royal College of Emergency medicine and Dr Keiran Moriarty Alcohol Lead, British Society of Gastroenterologists.

Dr Chris Moulton is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Chris Moulton joined Bolton NHS Foundation Trust in 1994 and had previously worked at hospitals in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester.

Dr Keiran Moriarty is a Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist at Bolton NHS Foundation Trust. He  studied medicine at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the London Hospital, Whitechapel, qualifying in 1975. He has had a successful career spanning four decades.

These two accomplished doctors will be available to answer any questions either alcohol related or any other matters concerning your health.

Free health checks and advice for all including eye checks are all part of the excellent care and concern you will experience and above all enjoy when attending this annual event.

Preston Health Mela
Saturday  April 14, 11am – 4pm
University of Central Lancashire, Foster Building, Preston Campus

^Alex Ashworth