Let's Talk - Media Event - 6-8pm - 21/3/18

Let's Talk - Media Event - 6-8pm - 21/3/18

Mar, 9 2018

~When something is regular you can assume it happens frequently and for the benefit of other  people. In a media based environment employees need an outlet to inspire them and to motivate them to continue in their field of work. It’s good to know then that there is an event that ticks the above boxes and is taking place towards the end of this month.

Society1 in collaboration with Digital Lancashire and Creative Lancashire are hosting their second creative collaboration evening. Lets Talk ... with guest speaker Cat Lewis, CEO, Joint Creative Director & Executive Producer at Nine Lives Media

Lets Talk... is a regular post work gathering bringing together creative & digital businesses, freelancers and practitioners to discuss and debate the key issues faced by those working or operating in the sector.

This month it develops the theme - Who's watching? TV Production in the 21st Century. It will take place on Wednesday 21st March between 6-8pm.

Bafta awarding winning producer Cat Lewis will start the evening talking to us about how technology has changed how we consume and what we consume.

Cat runs her own Manchester based independent television production company called Nine Lives Media, which she launched in 2007. Over the last ten years it has gone on to create documentaries, fact-entertainment  formats, drama documentaries, children’s programmes and current affairs for all the major UK broadcasters and for American channels.

Cat will discuss what insights we can draw from what we watch on our screens, the impact of media streaming services and the implications for the industry including advertising. You can follow Cat via the following links :-@catrionalewis  &  ninelivesmedia.co.uk

Following the talk and Q&A the floor will be open  to the general public to explore and share any relevant news and ideas.

The evening will be relaxed and informal, providing an ideal platform for new emerging talent as well as more established businesses to network and inspire one another.

Lets Talk is free to attend but pre registration is essential via the event brite.co.uk.

Society 1 is located at 9-10 Cross Street Preston.

Experience a regular evening which unites people from a media background to learn and gain new and exciting contacts :-

Let's Talk - Who's watching? TV Production in the 21st Century
Society1 in collaboration with Digital Lancashire & Creative Lancashire
Time & Date: 6-8pm, Wednesday 21st March

^Alex Ashworth.