Framing Arts In Place 14/7/17 10am -4pm Media Factory UCLAN

Framing Arts In Place 14/7/17 10am -4pm Media Factory UCLAN

Jul, 10 2017

~Recently we’ve experienced the crisis in the NHS and how a lack of funding is struggling to keep it a float. In other sectors of the workplace there is also considerable factors of neglect and missed opportunity. The arts in particular is another area in which it has, at times been ailing, that is, until now.

This Friday 14th July 2017 from 10am -4pm at the Media Innovation Studio at the Media Factory at UCLAN, Preston,  is an event which speaks to put the public arts in the spotlight. The first of a number of discussions across the UK will seek to examine what a future national government policy for the public arts could potentially look like.

It will be an opportunity to hear from a range of perspectives about the importance of the public arts in the modern world through a range of different policies and initiatives.

Guest speakers include :-

•Carolyn Primett, Head of Arts - Blackpool Council

•Matthew Burl, Architect, Associate - Hawkins\Brown

•Professor Charles Quick, Co-founder In Certain Places and Chair of Arts and Place working group

For those who wish to attend you will also experience a walking tour and introduction to ‘Homing’ a sonic artwork created by artists Jen Southern and Sam Thulin.

The event is free of charge and if you wish to attend simply log on to the
link below and confirm your place at the event brite website:-

As a collective group we will examine what a fit for purpose and future national policy  for the promotion and for the funding of the public arts could one day look like.

14/7/17 10am  - 4pm Media Factory UCLAN.

^Alex Ashworth