Prestons 15th Healh Mela. This Saturday April 16th 2016

Prestons 15th Healh Mela. This Saturday April 16th 2016

Apr, 14 2016

~Since 2001 how many of us can honestly say we have looked after ourselves, whether it be physically or mentally. The reality is, very few,  and with poor diets and obesity on the rise many people are experiencing the debilitating effects of diabetes or, even worse heart attacks. Additionally, due to the pressure either for young people to excel academically or for adults to secure and maintain employment whilst raising a family can lead to serious mental health problems such as depression and in some severe cases a nervous breakdown.

Since 2001 however an amazing annual event has been held which provides an opportunity to take control of  our physical and mental health in a positive and life enhancing way.

The Preston Health Mela is now in it’s 15th year and seeks to help people the same way it did back in 2001.

In just two days time the 2016 Health Mela will be targeting the people of Preston and local inhabitants in a relaxed and friendly way. If you’ve had recent concerns about your physical and mental health and feel you would prefer outside help beyond your general practice then The Preston Health Mela is calling for your participation.

The many things you can enjoy and benefit from include :-

* Complete Health checks including blood pressure

* BMI blood sugar and cholesterol testing

* Personal and Confidential health counselling

* Older person services

* Create your own smoothie on the smoothie bike

* Advice on children mental health and well being

* Reiki

* Fun and games for children

* Colouring competition.

In addition there will complete diabetic checks including eye, dental and hearing.

With the tagline ‘Empowering Communities To Improve Their Health and Wellbeing’ provides  a confident assurance of such a worthwhile event and with chief guest Sir Peter Dixon, chairman of diabetes in the UK it will be an event you would not want to miss.

So, where is it and when? I hear you ask. It will take place this Saturday 16th April 2016 from 11am -4pm located at the Foster Building UCLAN Preston PR1 2HE. The organisers of the annual Preston Health Mela would be delighted to see you there and with free entrance and car parking, it’s clear this event is in the interests of others,  in particular those who have received recent news from their GP that life is about to take an unexpected turn. This can have a serious affect for the person in question and those close by,  be it relatives, friends or a loved one.

Channel the statement mentioned earlier so that we can live healthier lives and reduce the intake of physically poor and the mentally unstable individuals  that can strike each and everyone one of us. Nobody is immune.

Make it date > Saturday 16th April 2016. 11am -4pm Foster Building UCLAN, Preston, Lancashire.