Spotlight on CCG Members - Lyn Romeo CBE - May 2022
May, 6 2022
Making a difference in people’s lives is really at the heart of what a social worker is employed to do. Helping them get back on their feet and providing sufficient support to be able to go forward.
This month’s ‘Spotlight on CCG Members’ is very familiar with this field of work. Let us discover more about Lyn Romeo CBE.
In her early career role Lyn worked as the Assistant Director for Adult Social Care in the London Borough of Camden. She has also worked as an inspector with the Social Services Inspectorate. Locally she spent over two decades in Yorkshire as both a field social worker and in a variety of management roles across children and adults.
For nearly ten years Lyn has held the position of Chief Worker for Adults since September 2013. In this role, Lyn courageously challenges the profession in order for both children and adults to receive the best possible help from social workers. Her experience has enabled her to give independent expert advice to ministers on social work reform and the contribution of social work and social workers to policy implementation more generally.
Lyn has a tick list on which her clients will no doubt give her appraisal in the following areas:-
- Delivers leadership and works with key leaders in the profession and the wider sector to drive forward the improvement and reform programme for social work.
- Challenges weak practice to achieve decisive improvements in the quality of social work
- Provides leadership to the network of principal social workers
You can read her blogs at the following website link:-
Also, check out her twitter page:-
Lyn works at the Department of Health Richmond House Whitehall London but all of us from the CCG founded in Preston 2012 hope to connect with you on twitter and see how your work is continuing to take shape in the south of England.
^Alex Ashworth CCG UK Blogger