UCLAN Ten Year Makeover
Nov, 24 2015
~Sometimes it’s hard to imagine a decade from now. Where will we be living? What employment opportunities will there be? Have we got sufficient funds now and for our future generation?
The answers to those questions are dependant on the growth of our young people now. The University of Central Lancashire or UCLAN has revealed plans which will take us up to 2025!
An excess of £200 million has been put aside for this huge transformation in and around the city centre. One of the major projects will be £30 million plus Engineering Centre ( EIC ) which is expected to be finished in the spring of 2018. As well as an exciting new engineering complex, work will be underway for a new and innovative campus, simply titled ‘The Campus Masterplan’.
An event took place last Thursday, November 19th in which guests saw an exclusive insight into what will take place over the next ten year period.
David Taylor, pro-chancellor and chair of the university board spoke in reflection of the event and the changes that will occur,
“The event provided a real flavour of the University’s innovation, and the Campus Masterplan is perhaps our most exciting and transformative development yet”.
Mr. Taylor will work alongside Lancashire County Council and Preston City Council in order to boost the city’s status, trade and those intending to study at UCLAN within the ten year radius and beyond. Public engagement initiatives have taken place with an influx of over a thousand people. David will get constructive comments and concerns from the neighbouring community as they strive to work as a team on this engaging project.
Online you can view the Masterplan Flythrough video which enables viewers to get an insight into the architectural designs the committee have discussed together.
David has these concluding comments that helps us to imagine Preston in 2025,
“The project is so complex and far-reaching that at present it’s difficult to visualise the finished scheme and the way it will enhance the city. That’s why we were so excited to be able to bring it to life through our Masterplan Flythrough video.”
With other cities striving for change such as Liverpool and Manchester it’s only right that Preston moves with the times and this ten year plan could be just what it needs, for students, for lecturers and for those that wish to take that first step into a cultural domain.