Brian Rollo

Brian Rollo

Location: Preston | UK

Councillor Brian Rollo worked in aerodynamic research for 40 years, working on the Anglo-French Jaguar, The British/German/Italian/Spanish Tornado and Typhoon, and the US F-35B. He also worked on many other projects which never flew and basic research. He was elected a Preston City Councillor in 2002. Among many other committees Brian was a member of the development control committee, opposition lead on Planning from 2007 and chair of the committee from 2011 until May 2017 when he stood down to become Mayor of Preston until May 2018. He currently has the post of Executive Member for the Environment. As well as the council work Brian was on the board of Gateway Housing Association for the maximum length of time. He is also a governor of Ashton Community Science College and chair of governors at Moor Nook Infant School. Brian is on the board of Farrington CIC and a member of Preston’s Select Vestry.