Community Members

Members of the Creative Community Group

Jen Blackwell

Jen Blackwell is Director and Founder of inclusive dance charity DanceSyndrome. 38 year old Jen, fro...

Dr.Javad Yazdani

Javad is an experienced academic/engineer with skills in leadership and management with excellent tr...

Marcus Simmons

Marcus is an award-winning entrepreneur who, in 2016, swapped the board room for the classroom and f...

Dr. Richard Mottershead

Dr. Richard Mottershead PhD, MSc, BN (Hons), RNMH, BSc (Hons), PGCPD, RNT, FRSPH, RSA, FHEA Richa...

Dr Kat Cartmell

Dr Kat Cartmell is the course leader for Psychology courses at the UCLan Burnley Campus   ...

Sita Kumari

Sitakumari is the Director of Heartstone, the national non-profit organisation dedicated to challeng...

Zuleikha Chikh

Zuleikha Chikh, University of Central Lancashire student Union President Zuleikha is a ...

Hoeur Sethul

Hoeur Sethul is a counselling psychologist and founder member of KCPS.  He is also the presiden...

Seyha Toch

I got my MA in Clinical and Counselling Psychology at Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia. I ...
Stephen Lowe

Stephen Lowe

BBC Radio Presenter and Forester... Stephen is an Honorary Fellow of Myerscough College, he was a...

Mandy-Jayne Lace

M-J qualified as a teacher in the early noughties and later a SENCO.  Psychotherapeutically tra...

Amirreza Nanaei

Amirreza Nanaei Amir is a third year Medical Student at the University of Central Lancashire (UCL...

Kelly Adams

  Kelly Adams is a Product Manager for Level 1 and below qualifications. These include Entry...

Isabelle Goodhand

Isabelle Goodhand is a journalism student from the University of Central Lancashire. Al...

Dr Sakthi Karunanithi

Lancashire Creative Commonwealth Association Director for Health and Human Excellence ...

Dr Nagina Khan

Lancashire Creative Commonwealth Association Director for Mental Health and Wellbeing Canada  ...

Isabelle Goodhand

Lancashire Creative Commonwealth Association Director for International Student Journalists  ...

Professor Dawne Gurbutt

Lancashire Creative Commonwealth Association Director for Collaborative Learning and Research Pro...