Tears of joy for care homes across Preston and Lancashire
May, 18 2021
We may be young, gifted and have many decades ahead of us but for the older generation their time is limited. Advancing old age and the ongoing ailments that comes with it mean life is very precious to them.
Since the start of lockdown families with elderly ones in care homes have been unable to visit their loved ones. But that all finally changed yesterday when restrictions meant it was possible to meet together in person and share a coffee, a chat and most importantly, a hug.
Across the Preston and Lancashire district five people can now visit residents in care homes. This includes care homes run by the county council.
This is just one of the many ways forward as part of the next steps in the National Coronavirus Roadmap. The change applies to care homes or any other care settings.
Rules though still have to abide by. Only two visitors per day for each resident. This doesn’t apply to young children or to anyone classed as an ‘Essential Care Giver’ under the governments scheme. In addition, the number of days that visits must be stopped following an outbreak will be paused for 14 days instead of 28 days.
The following places mean people will be exempt from having to self-isolate on their return:-
- Parks
- Gardens
- Day centres
- Education services
It’s still not total freedom either as people will still need to wear personal protective equipment such as a face covering, have a negative Covid-19 test result and book visits beforehand.
County Councillor Graham Gooch, acting cabinet member for adult services expressed his joy in response to the headline,
“This is very welcome news for residents in care homes across Lancashire and their families. This pandemic has been extremely hard for them as friends and family typically have been unable to see each other for such a long time. The fact that more people can now visit will mean so much as people have the chance to catch- up, share memories and hold hands with friends and family for the first time in months. This is another important step towards normality for so many people across our county”.
Have you got a loved one currently in a care home? Make sure you have a Covid-19 negative test result, book your visit and wear a face covering when meeting a family member. It could the best gift to them for the whole year.
^Alex Ashworth CCG UK Blogger